
utsukushiki hitobito no uta 鬱くしき人々のうた Song for the Beaudepressed People (Work In Progress)

utsukushiki hitobito no uta
Song for the Beaudepressed People

maximum the hormone

Song & Lyrics: Maximum the Ryo-kun作曲:マキシマムザ亮君

saraba ore chikyu uchu tsuki umi
さらば 俺 地球 宇宙 月 海
Farewell, me, Earth, space, the moon, the sea

urami urami urami donkurai low
恨み・怨み・憾み どんくらいLOW?
Grudge grudge grudge, how low?

unadare utsu shousou scream
うなだれ 鬱 焦燥 スクリーム
Hang my head, depression, impatience, scream

itami ikari yami houkai mode
痛み・怒り・病み 崩壊モード
Pain, anger, sickness, collapse mode

ura ni hisonda mei
Life lurking below

tsurai    tsurai   cry
(ツライ… ツライ… CRY)
Pain pain cry

fukure ttsura fukurashi kurumatte futon de kurasu
ふくれっ面腫らし くるまって布団で暮らす
Sullen face swollen, live life wrapped in a blanket

te ga keiren kenen ga kien dekakeren
手が痙攣 懸念が消えん 出かけれん
Hand convulsions, anxieties don't go away, can't go outside

muron shaba ni modosu rehabili nante muda
無論 シャバに戻すリハビリなんて無駄
Naturally, sending me back into society for rehabilitation won't work

oshimi sura moebbkasu toshite shikiru
Even hate turns into moist cinders

hibi girigiri ikiru ki danger
日々ギリギリ 生きる気デンジャー
Day by day, feel like I'm just barely surviving life dangers

shitagi shimishimi kogecha
下着 シミ・シミ・シミ こげ茶
Underpants stain stain stain dark brown

haku iki iki tamete nonja
吐く息息 溜めて飲んじゃ
Breath air air hold it swallow

kuru "shine shine shine" no genchou
Hear voices saying "Die...die...die..."

Love & love! Utsu people
Love and love! Depressed people

Buchimakero people
Let it all out, people!

urami nami utsu nippon houdou seyo minpou
怨み波打つNIPPON 報道せよ民放
Wave of hate Japan, send out your public broadcast

Love & love! Utsu people
Love and love! Depressed people

baramake libido
Release your libido

fuan ni nami utsu nippon buchimakero people
不安に波打つNIPPON ぶちまけろPEOPLE!
Wave of insecurity Japan, let it all out people!

jouchou fuantei life go
(情緒不安定LIFE GO!)
Emotionally unstable life go!

naki sakebedo nani mo kawaranu hibi
I cry and shout but nothing ever changes

wa ga sonzai kachi mohaya dagashi ika
我が存在価値 もはや駄菓子以下
By now my life is worth less than cheap candy

mata shite mo nemuren nani shite mo nemuren
またしても眠れん なにしても眠れん
I still can't sleep, no matter what I do I can't sleep

hitasura mayonaka wo mudazukai
My late nights are nothing but a waste of time

douse mousou makamaka koudou odo-odo
どうせ 妄想 摩訶摩訶 行動 オドオド
Either way, fantasy, maha maha, action, cower

tousou kosokoso outo
逃走 コソコソ 嘔吐
Run away, secretly, vomit

kyoumo koutou bosoboso roudou motamota
今日も 口頭 ボソボソ 労働 モタモタ
Today as well, verbal, mutter, hard work, dilly-dally

tousou ooyoso rensenrenpai
Conflict, just about constant defeat

shock! warawarete juushou
(SHOCK!) 笑われて重症
Shock! Laughed at, severe symptoms

dive! okujou de chuucho
(DIVE!) 屋上で躊躇
Dive! On the roof hesitating

junk! jama kuzu no shouchou
(JUNK!) 邪魔クズの象徴?
Junk! Symbol of a worthless piece of shit?

burning burning go-rinjuu
Burning, burning, deathbed

(doku) okasarete shuushou
(毒) 犯されて愁傷
(Poison) violated, grief

(monku) taratara de yuuchou
(文句) タラタラで悠長
(Complain) whiny, lying around

(jaku) saijakusha mucho
(弱) 最弱者ムーチヨ
(Weak) The weakest person mucho

burning burning go-rinjuu
Burning, burning, deathbed

goran..wareware yare iware yaren
御覧‥ 我々「やれ」言われ やれん!
Look...we, when told to do something, cannot do it!

yami yami chuu
Ill, ill we are

goran..wareware yare iware yaren
御覧‥ 我々「やれ」言われ やれん!
Look...we, when told to do something, cannot do it!

yami yami chuu
Ill, ill we are

nonjattara mata make
飲んじゃったら また負け
Drink and lose again

haicchattemo mata make
吐いちゃっても また負け
Throw up and lose yet again

mou sappari atama hatarakanu kannin
もうさっぱり頭働かぬ 堪忍
My head isn't working at all anymore, endure

nonjattara mata iiwake
飲んじゃったら また言い訳
Drink and make another excuse

haicchattemo mata iiwake
吐いちゃっても また言い訳
Throw up and make yet another excuse

oozappa ni ieba mononoke no tagui
Speaking roughly, ???it's a kind of demon  ???

saraba ore chikyu uchu tsuki umi
さらば 俺 地球 宇宙 月 海
Farewell, me, Earth, space, the moon, the sea

urami urami urami donkurai low
恨み・怨み・憾み どんくらいLOW?
Grudge grudge grudge, how low?

kutabare peace roman dream
くたばれ ピース ロマン ドリーム
Go to hell, peace, romance, dream

uragirare ware zanpai mode
裏切られ 我 惨敗ロード
Betrayed, me, in total fail mode

kuro de kusunda mei
Hazy black life ???

tsurai    tsurai   cry
(ツライ… ツライ… CRY)
Pain pain cry

tarantula nami no moudoku hisomasu nou de
??? With a head full of as much deadly poison as a tarantula

mixi twitter gree mobage arasu
m●xi t●itter GR●E モ●ゲー荒らす
Trolling m*xi t*itter GR*E Mo**ge (SNS sites)

non-caffeine stress teki wa hieshou
ノンカフェイン・ストレス 敵は冷え性
Non-caffeine stress, sensitivity to cold is the enemy

densha noreba yappa panic desu
When I get on the train, I panic after all

hibi girigiri ikiru ki danger
日々ギリギリ 生きる気デンジャー
Day by day, feel like I just barely survive life dangers

shitagi shimishimi kogecha
下着 シミ・シミ・シミ こげ茶
Underpants stain stain stain burnt tea

haku iki iki tamete nonja
吐く息息 溜めて飲んじゃ
Breath air air hold it swallow

kuru "shine shine shine" no genchou
Hear voices saying "Die...die...die..."

Love & love! Utsu people
Love and love! Depressed people

Buchimakero people
Let it all out, people!

urami nami utsu nippon houdou seyo minpou
怨み波打つNIPPON 報道せよ民放
Wave of hate Japan, send out your public broadcast

Love & love! Utsu people
Love and love! Depressed people

baramake libido
Release your libido

fuan ni nami utsu nippon buchimakero people
不安に波打つNIPPON ぶちまけろPEOPLE!
Wave of insecurity Japan, let it all out people!

henshoku gimi life go
(偏食気味LIFE GO!)
Becoming unbalanced diet life, GO!

futon shiki nenagara
布団敷き 寝ながら
Get in bed, while I sleep

apato elebe-ta- beranda tatsu ka
アパートエレベーター ベランダ立つか
Should I stand on the apartment elevator or balcony

ro-pu kara hipparu ka
Or hang from a rope

kibanda me shite tempatta anta ni tou
???I ask you as you get upset your eyes turn yellow

yume nikki kaita last wo remake
??? Shall we remake the end of my dream diary

jihatsu ja chance sae mo naigashiro baby
自発じゃチャンスさえも蔑ろ BABY
If spontaneous, you haven't the slightest chance, baby ???

masu masu mansei no hushiawase kidori baby
益々 慢性の不幸せ気取り BABY
More and more, taking on airs of chronic unhappiness, baby

shock! warawarete juushou
(SHOCK!) 笑われて重症
Shock! Laughed at, severe symptoms

dive! okujou de chuucho
(DIVE!) 屋上で躊躇
Dive! On the roof hesitating

junk! jama kuzu no shouchou
(JUNK!) 邪魔クズの象徴?
Junk! Symbol of a worthless piece of shit?

burning burning go-rinjuu
Burning, burning, deathbed

(doku) okasarete shuushou
(毒) 犯されて愁傷
(Poison) violated, grief

(monku) taratara de yuuchou
(文句) タラタラで悠長
(Complain) whiny, lying around

(jaku) saijakusha mucho
(弱) 最弱者ムーチヨ
(Weak) The weakest person mucho

burning burning go-rinjuu
Burning, burning, deathbed

goran..wareware yare iware yaren
御覧‥ 我々「やれ」言われ やれん!
Look...we, when told to do something, cannot do it!

yami yami chuu
Ill, ill we are

goran..wareware yare iware yaren
御覧‥ 我々「やれ」言われ やれん!
Look...we, when told to do something, cannot do it!

yami yami chuu
Ill, ill we are

o-isha ittemo mada kikanee
Go to the doctor, still doesn't work

kaisha ittemo hataraken
Go to the office, but can't work

mou sappari atama hatarakanu kannin
もうさっぱり頭働かぬ 堪忍
My head isn't working at all anymore, endure

ai shiattemo yowaki
Love someone but still weak

naichattara mata yoake
Stopped crying, it was morning

oozappa ni ieba mou kanjou naki mokei
Roughly speaking, "Model of emotionlessness"

saraba ore chikyu uchu tsuki umi
さらば 俺 地球 宇宙 月 海
Farewell, me, Earth, space, the moon, the sea

urami urami urami donkurai low
恨み・怨み・憾み どんくらいLOW?
Grudge grudge grudge, how low?

Toraware kutsuu ryoushou zumi
囚われ 苦痛了承済み
Captive, acceptance of pain complete

Chirami dare dare
チラ見 誰?誰?
Peeking, who? Who?

mou kaerou mou kaerou
もう帰ろう もう帰ろう
Let's go home, let's go home

please me… please me…

tekubi nan no sen
「手首 なんの線?」
Wrist, what's that line?

tekubi nan no kizu
「手首 なんの傷?」
Wrist, what's that wound?

tekubi nan no sen
「手首 なんの線?」
Wrist, what's that line?

tekubi nan no kizu
「その手首 なんの傷?」
That wrist, what's that wound?

sekai juu daremo ga yande ru wake de wa nee kedo
It's not like everyone in the world is ill, but

dare ka wa kyou mo uzukumatte ru
even today, someone is cowering

soshite naisho de ashita ga last to
And, in secret, "Tomorrow is the end," they say

hai tsukubatte nukedasou to ikite ru
on their hands and knees, trying to slip away and survive

itsu datte iyashi nanzo nakute mo ringu ni agari
No matter when, don't need comfort, get into the ring

gongu naru no matte ro
wait for the gong to sound

utsukushiki hitobito yo ten go shoukenmei nite kate
鬱くしき人々よ 「0.5一生懸命」にて勝て!
Beaudepressed people! Do your half best! You can do it!

saraba ore yaku houchou niito
さらば 俺 薬 包丁 ニート
Farewell, me, drugs, knife, joblessness

namida gita- ni suwashite hikou
Suck my tears into this guitar as I play

hiza keri kick start my kizu
Kick in the knees, kick start my wounds

tsuba minagirase anta iro
唾 みなぎらせ あんた色
Spit swells up, your color


Love irane irane-cchuu no
LOVE イラネ イラネーっちゅうの
Don't need, don't need love, you see

Love irane irane-cchuu no
LOVE イラネ イラネーっちゅうの
Don't need, don't need love, you see

da-rin hani- kuso dari- shi uso kusee ze lady
ダーリン? ハニー? 糞だりーし 嘘臭えぜLady
Darling? Honey? I'm sick of it, and you're full of lies, lady

uta ni uta ni uta ni ireru
歌に 歌に 歌に入れる
I'll put it in a song, in a song, in a song

gita- gita- gita- ni ireru
ギター ギター ギターに入れる
I'll put it in my guitar, guitar, guitar

iraira ni kizamikonde rock song me de kike
イライラに刻み込んで ロックソング目で聴け
Carve it into my irritation, listen to this rock song with your eyes

boku shitagaride ikitagari desu
ボク 死たがりで 生きたがりです
I want to dead, I want to live